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YummyEarth Organic Candy Drops, Tooberry Blueberry, 13-Ounce Pouches (Pack of 4) for

Customer Rating :
Rating: 4.0

List Price : $21.54 Price :
YummyEarth Organic Candy Drops, Tooberry Blueberry, 13-Ounce Pouches (Pack of 4)

Product Description

YummyEarth Organic Candy Drops, Tooberry Blueberry is planet friendly.Made from real fruit extract.It has no artificial dyes or colors.

    YummyEarth Organic Candy Drops, Tooberry Blueberry, 13-Ounce Pouches (Pack of 4) Reviews

    YummyEarth Organic Candy Drops, Tooberry Blueberry, 13-Ounce Pouches (Pack of 4) Reviews

    Customer Reviews
    Average Customer Review
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    2 of 2 people found the following review helpful
    5.0 out of 5 stars yummy candy in their best flavor, July 15, 2010
    Amazon Verified Purchase( What's this?)
    This review is from: YummyEarth Organic Candy Drops, Tooberry Blueberry, 13-Ounce Pouches (Pack of 4) (Grocery)
    These are wonderful, the blueberry flavor is my entire family's favorite. I bought these after buying a huge bag of suckers and only receiving three blueberry out of over 300. I thought I would get the drops this time so I can have one without the baby grabbing at the stick. The amazon price is amazing, to order directly from the company is $8 per bag and they don't even sell the blueberry flavor in drops. The subscribe and save discount brings the price down to just a bit over 50% of the retail price plus free shipping. All the yummy earth products are offered about half price through amazon. The quality is exactly the same as the bags I've purchased from health food stores. The only downside is having to buy four big bags at a time but since they don't go bad it doesn't bother me too much although when friends come over they seem to raise an eyebrow at the stockpile of candy in the pantry.
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    0 of 1 people found the following review helpful
    3.0 out of 5 stars acidic, February 14, 2009
    Amazon Verified Purchase( What's this?)
    This review is from: YummyEarth Organic Candy Drops, Tooberry Blueberry, 13-Ounce Pouches (Pack of 4) (Grocery)
    i bought some litmus paper and the ph on these things is like a 1.5
    excellent flavor though
    i like the rootbeer much less citric acid like ph6
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