วันเสาร์ที่ 23 มิถุนายน พ.ศ. 2555

YummyEarth Organic Vitamin C Pops Bulk, Assorted, 5-Pound Bag for $26.92

Customer Rating :
Rating: 4.5

List Price : $26.92 Price : $26.92
YummyEarth Organic Vitamin C Pops Bulk, Assorted, 5-Pound Bag

Product Description

Everything YummyEarth makes is USDA and EU certified organic, gluten-free, peanut-free and tree nut-free, and has no type of corn syrup, just fabulous award winning taste! YummyEarth organic lollipops and drops are kosher parve as well. YummyEarth was even recognized by Harvard Medical School for our organic mission.

  • about 325 pops (based on weight - individual pops weight may vary)

YummyEarth Organic Vitamin C Pops Bulk, Assorted, 5-Pound Bag Reviews

YummyEarth Organic Vitamin C Pops Bulk, Assorted, 5-Pound Bag Reviews

Customer Reviews
Average Customer Review
17 Reviews
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8 of 8 people found the following review helpful
5.0 out of 5 stars These are great! So happy my son can have some lollis!, February 2, 2012
Amazon Verified Purchase( What's this?)
This review is from: YummyEarth Organic Vitamin C Pops Bulk, Assorted, 5-Pound Bag (Grocery)
First off, you must know that a 30 pack of these lollis at Whole Foods is $4.99, so this is a steal. I love that they have added Vit C., because I only let my children have lollis if they do something REALLY special, or when they're sick.
My middle son has ADHD and we've had wild success following the Feingold Diet for him. That being said, finding candy that has zero artificial food coloring and no processed sugar is really hard to do. Enter Yummy Earth, and they save the day!
Also, the fact that they are labeled VEGAN is a big deal, as now I know that they do not have Castoreum in them for the cherry/strawberry flavoring. Castoreum is beaver anal gland juice, and it is considered a "natural flavor" according to the USDA. It's nasty, and the only way you know for sure you're not eating anal juice is if the product is labeled VEGAN. I am not opposed to eating meat at all - but anal juice? Really? Why not use the real berry or vanilla bean for the flavoring? Who thought of... Read more
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6 of 6 people found the following review helpful
5.0 out of 5 stars delicious!, January 17, 2009
L. A. (Milwaukee, WI) - See all my reviews
Amazon Verified Purchase( What's this?)
This review is from: YummyEarth Organic Vitamin C Pops Bulk, Assorted, 5-Pound Bag (Grocery)
These suckers are delicious! The flavors are so natural, like real fruit, because they are real fruits. I do not eat candy or sweets regularly (the kids and husband do), but I was looking for something to snack on that was gluten free, low in calories, all natural, organic, and relatively healthy. These suckers are perfect for that. I can eat three suckers for only 70 calories, and I only eat maybe two in a day. These would be good for dieters, people looking to quit smoking, and kids. Of course, real fruit is the best, but these make a great occasional treat. Great value for the price.
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1 of 1 people found the following review helpful
5.0 out of 5 stars Vitamin C pops, March 11, 2012
Amazon Verified Purchase( What's this?)
This review is from: YummyEarth Organic Vitamin C Pops Bulk, Assorted, 5-Pound Bag (Grocery)
My 15-yr-old son is a sugar and candy addict, and so I try to have healthier alternatives around the house for him instead of candy. I bought these, and they were an instant hit. When his friends come over, they gobble them up too. Now if I could only get him to throw away the wrappers!
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