วันอังคารที่ 14 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2555

GoNaturally ORGANIC HARD CANDIES (Cherry) (1 x 3.5 OZ) for $2.35

Customer Rating :
Rating: 5.0

List Price : $2.99 Price : $2.35
GoNaturally ORGANIC HARD CANDIES (Cherry) (1 x 3.5 OZ)

Product Description

For more than 20 years, Hillside Candy has offered delicious "better-for you" products made with American pride. This commitment continues in our great tasting GoNaturally USDA Certified Organic Candy. Our hand-made treats are naturally sweetened and drenched with pure flavors, without any high fructose corn syrup, additives or artificial colors. As an added benefit, GoNaturally candies are gluten free. Try all of our mouth watering varieties.

  • For more than 20 years, Hillside Candy has offered delicious "better-for you" products made with American pride
  • Go Naturally

GoNaturally ORGANIC HARD CANDIES (Cherry) (1 x 3.5 OZ) Reviews

GoNaturally ORGANIC HARD CANDIES (Cherry) (1 x 3.5 OZ) Reviews

Customer Reviews
Average Customer Review
1 Review
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1 of 1 people found the following review helpful
5.0 out of 5 stars ALMOST GUILT FREE, February 10, 2011
BLAQFYAH "claudomir" (Boston, MA United States) - See all my reviews
This review is from: GoNaturally ORGANIC HARD CANDIES (Cherry) (1 x 3.5 OZ) (Health and Beauty)
I accidently ran into this product. They where by the cashiers check out stand for $1.99 at TJ Maxx. I really wanted some chocolate but was watching what I ate at the time so to compromised I got the Organic Hard Candies in the Cherry flavor. However, I did not open them until about a week later. But when I did...wow. They were great. I had eaten two and was about to pop a third one in when I actually looked down at the candy and realized that it wasn't red. Which blew my mind since I thought I was tasting red. It was amber colored.I know that sounds weird. So I grabbed the bag and read the ingredients and saw that it was an all natural candy with only 4 ingredients. You cant beat that. And it tasted really good with out being overly sweet. I just went back to TJ Maxx and bought all the other flavors...I have 5 bags now. And I will savor them slowly. I don't mind paying $1.99 a bag...but $3.99 is a little my budget. But when I run out....I might just have to cave in. So I'm happy that... Read more
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